Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Stationery card

Best Of Wishes Holiday Card
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Stationery card

Best Of Wishes Holiday Card
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Monday, October 8, 2012

6 months!

 I don't know how these girls got so big, but here they are!
This is us on our way to costco.  Without Daddy (football season), and both girls in the front for the first time.  They did suprisingly well (there were snacks involved for Macie).
 Glam Penny above.  Love this look dah-ling.
 You may ask what size clothes she's wearing.  I wish I knew.  This bathing suit in the picture above?  18 months.  Doesn't it look like it fits her?!  I think it does!  And this morning, she was wearing size 3 months pants.  Each outfit is so relative.  So she's mostly in 9-12 month clothing, depending on the lenght.
At here 6th month appt she was 27 1/2 inches (95%) and 16.13 oz (50th somthing %).  They were a little concerned she's fallin' off her growth curve a little bit, but seriously, have you seen those cheeks?  Adorable.
She is not a great milk drinker, so I wonder if that has something to do with it, but now that we've added so many solids, I think she's going to be gaining weight fine.  But she is seriously a long, tall girl.
 Champion sitter-upper.
And right now, I'd say her big sister is her biggest fan.  Macie loves to make Penelope laugh, and it seems to be recipricated.  I hope these girls end up being fantastic friends.  I pray they know Jesus from a young age, and that they love each other (and mom and dad too!).

Monday, September 24, 2012


Here is Penny last month...she was almost sitting up.
And below, here she is this month.  Sitting up like a champ!

Macie has started loving the photo shoots because she gets to get in Penny's bed (which was her bed, she just doesn't remember it!)

And no, Macie is not biting Penny's head here, she's just giving her an open mouth kiss.  Nana has done a good job of buying lots of matching outfits, but it's been so hot I haven't had a chance to wear some of the outfits.  I loved this cupcake dress on Macie last winter, and while it still fits, you'll notice the tights are a must have accessory.  She is a tall girl!  Penny isn't so small either, we'll find out her 6 month stats on Friday's dr. appt.

And below is my little cutie feeding her doll 'Coco'.  I spared you the picture of her nursing the doll, but think the boppy and bottles are pretty cute.  What fun it is to have a 'little mommy' around the house.

Having two is wonderful, if not crazy.  Last Friday I thought, 'I could totally have another one!'  The very next day I thought, 'I would be crazy to have another one!'.  So only the Lord knows what will be in store for my family, but I am 'trying' not to take a single day for granted.  These girls are such gifts, and the responsibility of training up children in the ways of the Lord is sometimes harder than I could imagine, but overall, it's an experience I wouldn't trade for anything (not even a luxurious bath or a trip to the bathroom all by myself!).

Lisa Whelchel

When I heard the news that former 'Facts of Life' star Lisa Whelchel was divorced, my heart was really heavy.  She came and spoke at our church just about 2 years ago.  I read one of her books, 'The Facts of Life and Other Lessons my Father Taught Me'.  It was such a great little read about some of the high and low points of her life.  By no means did I think that she was perfect.  By no means did I think that she doesn't sin.  But knowing that public figures are just as fallable as the rest of our makes me scared. 
Ladies, this thing called marriage is tough.  And most of the blogs I read (not all, just most) are women that had a hard time becoming pregnant.  And then most of us have gotten what we wanted, a beautiful child (or more often than not, children).  And there is something SO WONDERFUL about being a mother.
But I'm convicted to exhort all of us not to forget our husbands. 
I have no idea why they divorced.  I don't know who incited the paper work, I don't know the details.  Despite the title, this post is not about Lisa.  This post is about us.  It's about our marriages.  When we think that divorce only happens to other people, we might be missing the log in our own eye in order to point out the spec in someone else's.  It's SO easy to get caught up in the business of being mommy's, that we forget, we were wives first.  We used to stay up late in order to talk (and make out!) with our fiances and boyfriends.  Now, if your marriage is anything like mine, I am the first to go to bed and we (er, I) have a strict 'no funny business' after 10pm rule, because I'm (please, someone give me an Amen on this one).  I need to remember my husband.  My boyfriend.  Even though we're married, it doesn't mean I can't still think of him as my boyfriend.  I think men get that lecture a lot, treating us like a girlfriend, not a wife.  I'm going to take a few extra minutes and opportunities this week to make sure my dear husband knows that I chose him first and I will continue to choose him! 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

New Schedule

Things I don't want to forget (in case there is a next time!).

On Thursday I switched Penelope's feeding and napping schedule.  Formerly she was eating 5 times a day, every three hours, and would mostly eat, play, sleep, repeat.  Some times she wouldn't nap, and then the next session she would.  I would ALWAYS wake her up to eat, regardless of how recently she fell asleep (I realized that for me, this was the best way to keep her aware of her days vs. nights, and not to sleep for hours and hours during the day and then be up all night).
But every three hours has passed us.  The weird thing is, I can't seem to recollect how I fed Macie or what her feeding/nap schedule was at this age, so that's why right now, I'm making a record of it here. 
Penelope is waking up between 7:30 and 8.  She gets a bottle of pumped breastmilk as soon as she wakes up, and then when Macie is up, we all eat breakfast at the same time.  Penny is having 1/4 cereal (rice and oatmeal so far) with formula mixed in.
Then, at noon (Penny generally naps from 9:30 to 11, give or take), Penny has another bottle/breastfeed. (love my work schedule that I'm home to feed the girls!!!).  Usually I'm supplimenting 4 ounces, but she is a very slow eater.  I mean, that 3-4 ounces can take an entire hour to get her to eat it.  Then around 12:30 (hopefully we're finished with her bottle by then) we sit at the table and have lunch with Macie.  Penny has so far had squash 2 days and sweet potatoes one day.  She enjoyed the squash much more than the sweet potatoes.  Every 2-3 days I'm adding a new food.  Then comes the glorious part...They Both Nap at the Same Time!  Seriously!  from about 1-3, I have 2 whole hours with which to do what I choose.  One day I cleaned the car, the next day I took a nap also!  I can only hope this continues.  What a feat!
At 4, Penny has another bottle, followed by more cereal at dinner, then her nighttime bottle at 8.
We're only on day 4 of this schedule, but it feels right.  I'm hoping we can stick with this for a while. 

Saturday, September 8, 2012

A little help please?

Penelope, here is what you're doing right now! (actually, you're napping, that's why momma has the time to write this post).  Yesterday is the day you decided to be able to sit up on your own.  Yes, you still topple over after a while, but we were at Daddy's football game and I left to throw something away (while still watching you of course) and when I came back you were all like, 'what, I've been sitting forever.  Why is 10 minutes of sitting such a big deal?  Don't you know I'm not a baby anymore?'. 
Then, last night you were alseep in your carseat by the time you got home and I put you in your crib without a swaddle.  You went right to sleep.  So I figured, hey, first day to sit up, first day without a swaddle. 
THEN, after about an woke up and cried for 2 hours straight, from about 11PM to 1AM.  Um, that was not my favorite moment.  So tonight, yes, you will be swaddled.
I'm thinking you're teething.  No teeth yet, and you have a little bump on your bottom gums, teeth yet.  You are drolling, have a runny nose and everything goes to your mouth. 
And you are eating cereal!  You really do like it, and are already trying to feed it to yourself.
But here is my problem blog world, I need your help.  What should her feeding schedule be?  I can't seem to find if I wrote it down on this blog, how many time a day should I give her the bottle, and when should I give her food?  Right now she's just eating cereal once, maybe twice a day, and 5 bottles of 3-6 ounces after breastfeeding.  Um...I don't remember how much and when she should be eating.
If you have little ones eating any kind of solid food and still on the bottle, could you leave me a comment with your feeding sched.?  I'm a little out of sorts.

Okay, and I've also lost 15 pounds, 20 more to go...but I don't seem to have any motivation to continue.  Any tips?  I want a tortilla so badly right now!  Talk me down!  Tell me to lose the baby weight!

Monday, August 20, 2012

179 more?

Stay at home mom...
Working mom...
Any way you slice it, this is a hard season of life.
Any way you slice it, this is a fantastic season of life.

Today I went back to work.  I've mentioned that I'm only working part time.  It was hard to leave my little ones this morning.  BUT it was wonderful to come home to them at 11:00am.
I was just left thinking that today was okay.  But I have to do this 179 more times before next Summer...? I'm thinking about making a count-down chain for myself.  Ha.  That might actually make things worse.  No matter how you slice it, I think I've got a great situation this year. 

I was also thinking about how quickly these past two years have gone.  Those of you with older kids will probably's gonna go fast.  Next fall Macie will be in preschool!  A friend of mine posted on her blog that we only get '18 summers' with our kids.  And I can't help but think she's right.  Granted, with more kids, it's a little more than that, but my point is that these tough times (just changed a very gross poop) are going to go SO fast and I want to enjoy them.  And I have been.  And I delight eveytime Macie and Penny do something new.  Just today I noticed that Macie has started saying the word "fix" correctly.  For a while she would say "daddy fik it".  Today she said, "Macie fixed it".  And I got sad.  She's not going to be so little for so long.  Penny will be 5 months this week.  She is rolling over (all ways) and almost sitting up on her own.  These days are long, but I love this new job called 'mommy'.  Educator is great, but personally, I think "mommy" is my favorite.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

No Offense to my Husband...

But I can't seem to get anything done when he's home.
I'm just wondering if this is a solo problem (mine?) or is this an epidemic that we can start a support club for?
I love my husband.  He is an excellent provider, leader, father, lover, etc.
He works hard.  We are both teachers and he is constantly a student favorite, being asked to teach an additional class because the students all want to be in his class (true story).  He works teaching high school Chemistry and Physics from 7:30 am until 3:30 pm with only a 35 minute lunch break (since he gave up his prep period to teach that extra physics class).  Then he coaches varsity football from 3:30 until 6:30 ish.  He works so hard trying to mentor his players and be a supportive father many things I'm thankful for.
And then there is me.  I am going to be working from 7am until 10am.  AMEN!  Seriously, as a teacher this is an amazing schedule.  I am getting paid for that, but still, amazing.  Then I'll be home by 11 to take care of the girls and the house like other moms.  Very excited.
For summer my amazing husband taught summer school and had football practice, and then FINALLY he had 2 weeks off before football picked back up (we don't start teaching with kids until Aug. 20th).  So he's home during the day a little more this week. 
And here is my problem.  All summer (and Spring - maternity leave) I was able to get up, get the girls ready for the day and get going.  I made a list and got everything done.  Highly productive (very proud of myself).  But I've noticed this week, as he's home in the middle of the day...I can't do anything!
Am I waiting for him to do it since he's home?  (rude)
Am I wanted to just sit and relax and enjoy his company (rub my feet please?)
Am I trying to give him additional time to play with the girls? (maybe?)
Am I wanting a relaxed atmosphere for him while he's here? (probably)

I don't know why it is, but when he's here...I am completely unmotivated to do anything.  No laundry, no's an epidemic! 

Does this happen to anyone else?  When your husbands are home is it business as usual?  Does your routine include your husbands at home or away?  Do you feel bad about sitting around while he's home (I'd love any reason to justify doing this!)?
But really, I don't want him to think I don't do anything all day (he doesn't think that, but I'm afraid of know how moms/wifes can be, he's bringing the money, my job is the kids and house).

Thoughts?  Reflections?
My name is Courtney and I'm unable to clean with DH home!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

4 and 27

Penelope!  You are 4 months old! (well, she was about 2 weeks ago).
Here is a bit of what you're doing:
You laugh like crazy.  While camping one of the kids found your sweet spot (under your chin on your clavicle).  You just laugh and laugh when someone is tickling you there.  You also love to watch your sister and laugh at her.  She is doing a great job of entertaining you these days.
You mostly get bathed in the sink.  At first we were just washing you with your sister, but kneeling over is hard in that position, so we've been back to the sink. 
You can sit up if someone is holding you.  So it doesn't count yet, but you are seriously close to doing it on your own. 
You roll over from tummy to back (been doing that for a while) and you are SO close to rolling over from back to stomach.  I am thrilled at your motor skills but bummed that 'mobile human' is coming!  At night we still swaddle you, but you are now being found in the morning unswaddled and usually 90 to 180 degrees different than how we put you in.  You are scoot, scooting away!
You spend time all day in different places.  Momma's arms, the swing, the play mat, a little bumbo, and even more recently the Jenny Jum.p up.  You don't love the jumpup yet, but it looks like fun for me, so I'm going to keep trying (completely supervised of course).
You will try rice cereal at 5 months.  I felt like your sister was a baby for ever, but you are growing SO fast.  Last night we went swimming in Nana's pool and you wore a 12 month suit.  You're stats at your 4 month appointment were 15.4 lbs and 26 inches long.  Your sister was 15.14 lbs and 25 1/2 inches.  You are in the 70th % for weight and 90th % for height.  That cracks me up because I didn't think babies could get much bigger than your sister (no offence Macie, you're perfect the way you are!), but here she is, longer!  Most of her onsies are 9 months now.  Really, anything that is a bodysuit is 9 months, but most outfits (two pieces) are still 3-6 months or 6-12 months. 

You have been such a fun addition and you are really Such.A.Good.Baby.  The kind of baby that makes you say, "let's have another one!"*

Macie!  You just turned 27 months old!  While some days having a 2 year old is exactly as hard as I'd feared, most days it's just a lot of fun.  Besides the 'detox' from vacation, you are mostly a very pleasant young girl. 
Food is your friend.  Yesterday you had Cap'n Cru.nch for the first time for breakfast.  When you woke up from your nap you said "Macie have Cap'n Crunch now!".  I think you thought it was breakfast again.  Or you didn't care if snack time was filled with Cap'n c.runch also.   You constantly tell people that while camping you had Marshmallow for dinner.  What you mean is we had smores a few nights, well after dinner and only one, but people think you were allowed to skip your meal.  ha.
You love to be outside and to 'GO Go go!' which means you slow down and then run to catch up with us.  You don't like sitting in the stroller but when Daddy isn't with us you still have to be strapped in.  I can't wait until you're just a tad bit older and not so excited to touch everything on the shelves in the stores.
You wear mostly 3t clothing.  Some 2t some 4t.  Since you're proportional (both tall and thick) the Dr. isn't worried.  I just make sure we get lots of excercise each day).  You love the water.  Ever since swim lessons you can kick your legs and get from one place to another in the pool (while wearing your puddle jumper jacket of course).  It's really cool to see how good you are at that. 
You are a very good big sister.  We have some books that you like to read about being a big sister and I think that's helped you transisiton.  Often times you want to kiss or hold Penny and you call her Penny Dorothy (but is sounds like Penny Dorfy).  Sometimes sharing is hard when she has a toy you think you should have a claim on, but ususally it's over in 30 seconds or so.  When we ask if Penny can have something (as a joke) like crayons, you say, "no...Penny too little".  You like making her laugh.  And you make us laugh too.  Yesterday you said (unsolicited) that Momma is small, momma is funny, and I love you momma. 
These are good days. 

*I have not said that at all.  Only the Lord knows if we're having another one, but for right now, we are birth-controlling-it-up. 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Our small group from church this spring semester really clicked and we decided we wanted to try going camping this summer, so we did!  It was a ton of fun.  It was a lot of work.  I've been camping before, but not since having kids.  One of the families had never been camping before, but everyone was a good sport and I think we all had fun.  Here are some highlights:

 Fire!  Macie loved building a fire.  She looked forward to the fire all day long.  I'm willing to bet it had something to do with the smores she ate, but still, she would wake up in the morning and say 'fire now?'
 Here is a general picture of our campsite.  It doesn't show everyone.  But we really brought most of the comforts from home.  One couple even brought memory for their air mattress.
 Here is Macie enjoying hot chocolate.  It was adorable to see how much she liked it.  She had a sip of one of mine last winter, but this was the first time she had a cup all to herself.  It took her a week to stop asking for it (and although she knew it was hot chocolate, she enjoyed pretending it was coffee like momma and daddy drink).
 Sleeping was a bit rough.  My brilliant brain thought that we should bring the pack and play for Penny and then have Macie and I share an air mattress and dh have his own air mattress (they are double bed sized).  EPIC FAIL!  The first night Macie could not get comfortable.  She tossed and turned and climbed and flipped,  this girl was a mess.  She kept me up most of the night (although I had a dream so I got some sleep somehow that night) and was in a terrible mood the next day.  No nap, no sleep at night = awful!  So that night we decided to put her in the pack and play and Penny in her carseat.  The morning after that, Macie looked at me when she woke up (after sleeping peacefully all night) and said, "that was a cozy bed".  So yeah, apparently Macie isn't ready to give up her toddler bed any time soon.  Poor Penny.  The little sister without a bed.  Although she was swaddled before we put her in her carseat, but being the awesome child she is, she slept all night in her carseat just fine.  So after the first night we all did get some sleep.
 You can't quite see Penny on the ground in front, but there were actually two other babies that are just one month older than she is camping with us.  They were naping and we didn't want to wake them up for the picture.  But what was so much fun about this camping trip, was having playmates for Macie.  Camping with just our little family of four would be so hard compared to camping with a friend.  So I now understand why parents allow their children to bring a friend on vacation with them (and will sometimes pay).  To Entertain the kids!  Give the parents a bit of a vacation as well!  Ha.
And here is Miss Macie hading to our tent.
Probably the most iconic image from our trip is Penelope in her washtub.  Poor thing, this was COLD water.  She had a blowout and we saw no other alternative.  It's not on our bathroom wall.  Her pain has turned into our art.  We were fast about the bath though, but how cute, right!?

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Run of the Mill

Summer is a really fun time around here.  But seriously, busy.  Our typical days go something like this:
Dad up: 5 Am - workout
Mom up: 6:30 am - drink coffee
Macie up: between 7 and 8.  I'm hoping more for  the 8, sleeping in would be fabulous!
Penelope up: between 6:30 and 8.  Usually she wakes up around 6, but if I let her talk for just a few minutes, she'll fall back asleep.  A number of times I've gone in there at 8 and I've had to actually wake her back up.
Dad goes to work around 7.  Momma tries to get a few chores done before the girls get up.  Sometimes more successfully then others.
Macie breakfast, Penelope breakfast.  8 am is the only feeding that I don't have to supplement, I have enough milk.  That is nice.  The other feedings I have to supplement with around 3-4 ounces of formula.
After breakfast for everyone I have decisions to make.  Do we venture out?  Do we do chores?  Do we excersize?  This changes day by day, and I've found that I've actually saved quite a bit of  money this summer, because I don't leave the house the way I used to.  And I'm grateful I don't have too much cabin fever.  Now, trips to Tar.get are more of a big deal, so we make that our actual outing.  So my Dave Ramsey envelopes are more full than they used to be!  Ha.
Then it's feed Penny at 11, snack for Macie around 10 or 10:30 (or not if all if she is busy playing and doesn't ask for one).  Once Penny is done eating I start thinking of lunch for Macie and I.  Usually PB&J or something like that.  Then it's play and read for Macie, Penelope plays on her 'mat' quite a bit.  And she enjoys the swing...these are all places you'll find her.  Macie goes down for a nap around 1 (depending on how much energy she's burned off in the morning, but always a nap) and gets up between 3 and 4.  No, she doesn't actually sleep the whole time, but she plays quietly in her bed, so I sometimes feel like the  Because after Penelope eats at 2, I can sometimes get her to take a nap, and I get 30 glorious minutes to myself in the afternoon.  And how do I spend it?  Trying to decide what to do of course.  Yesterday I did 20 minutes of the dan.cing with the stars DVD workout I bought years ago.  It was good, but my feet are sore today.
Then Macie's up, Penny eats at 5, time to make dinner.  Somewhere in there Dad gets home, we eat dinner, play a little and then bathtime, read time and Macie's in bed at 8 and Penny is eating 2nd dinner at 8.  The only bummer is that I am still mourning the time I used to have once Macie was asleep.  Put her to bed at 8, boom, rest of the night is ours.  But Penelope is a fantastic child, so I hate to complain, but that girl can take up to an HOUR to eat her milk.  And I hate to skimp on it, because she doesn't eat in the middle of the night, so I don't want her to be starving when she wakes up.  So she doesn't always go to bed until about 9:30. 
Here are some pictures for this incredibly boring post:

My little cutie!
 Reading at Bedtime
And of course, some staged fourth of july pictures.  Macie had an adorable cowgirl hat, but it was SO hard to keep in on her for pictures.  Anyone else have that problem?

So I just took pictures of her throwing the hat.  Probably not the smartest mom moment, but make lemons, right?

That's our run of the mill day.  Penelope will be 4 months on Monday (how did THAT happen!?) and Macie is 26 months.  I love these girls with all my heart, and I can't believe I get to be their momma.  What a huge blessing it is.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

She's 3 Months!

 Yes, these pictures in the laundry basket is from pintrest.  I can't believe how big she already is. 
We don't have a Dr. appointment at 3 months, and at 2 months, she was 11.6 lbs, so I'm imagining somewhere about 12 1/2 pounds.  She really is a GOOD baby.  Not perfect, but really good.  Penny wakes up between 6 and 8 AM and eats at that time.  She still naps in between each feeding, but it's wonderful because she'll nap anywhere and we can be out and about and she'll just sleep in her stroller.  She eats about 2-4 ounces after I breast feed her (making me think she's getting between 3-5 ounces per feeding).  She loves the swing, and the floor mat.  AND, here's the big news, she has rolled over from her tummy to her back - 6 times!  5 times to the right and 1 time to the left.  This started the day before she turned 3 months.  She is good at smiling and babbling.  She gets startled fairly easily, and with her big sister jumping on her, occasionally she gets upset.  Penny, you are a delight and I love watching you grow.

Speaking of her big sister, I wanted to add one more picture, here is how I found Macie after her nap yesterday.  Completely out.  I'm guessing she wasn't tired when I put her down, because she apparently did some reading, some dusting, talking on the phone, etc. 
How precious are these little girls!?  My heart is very full and I love what I do.  In other news, I just found out that I get to be 60% this year at work.  What does that mean?  I start work at 6:54 and am finished at 9:58.  Um...Heck Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!  That's officially part time.  I will have other obligations and grading and planning to do, but seriously, this is Fantastic!  I can work and still be able to enjoy the girls and everything.  So I'm very thankful for this developement. 

And maybe one other reason I am feeling good this morning, is that today I get to use the mothers day gift DH got me, a trip to the spa for a massage.  And some friends' husbands did the same, so we are going to enjoy ourselves. 
I hope you all have a tremendous Wednesday!

Thursday, June 21, 2012


 Summer is Here!  It's been tremendous.  We're busy, busy, and I'm really enjoying it.  We recently renewed our D.isneyland Passes and it may be the last time for a few years.  We'll see.  They raised the prices so that it costs a LOT to go regularly.  This year was fine, becuase both girls are still free.  But next year we'll have to buy 3 (kids 2 and under are free), and the pass we usually buy was just raised to 499.  That doesn't even let you in all the time, but as teachers, it lets you have most weekends.  So while there are cheaper options, we still find this to be the best bet for us.  But I digress...we've been going often.  It's a great way to spend a couple hours and keep Macie entertained. 
Below, Chip (or is it Dale?) said hi to Penny on her first visit.
 Then, Macie was able to say hi to Goofy.  She thinks he's pretty funny.  I personally could do without Goofy, but that's okay.  I'll get over his goofy-ness.
 For Father day, my mommy's Bible study group from church went to a woodworking factory and did a craft for him.  The picture looks great, but Penny was crying almost the whole time, and then Macie was difficult to stop from painting everywhere.  But I think the final product came out pretty good and it was fun to give her daddy this frame on Fathers day (he also got a new Bible, as most of Exodus and Leviticus fell out of his old one - which is a cool thing when your Bible is so used you have to get another one...). 
 We've also been on vacation for a few days.  We went to the Hunting.ton Beach Hyat.t.  It's a great way to vacation here in Southern California, because it's like going to a tropical resort, but without any driving or flying hassles.  (we live about 45 minutes from the beach.).  We paid extra to have a room with two rooms, and that was perfect.  macie slept on the couch and Penny slept with us.  Also, my mom stayed in a room next door (her idea) and at night Dh and I got to go to the spa, and out to was a pretty suite set up.  But that's already come and gone.  Oh Hyatt, we'll see you next year. 
                                                                                   Here we have Penny at the nursing station in Disneyla.nd (they have a fantatistic Baby care center), just being generally cute.
                                                                                 And on Mother's Day we have Penelope dedicated at church.  It was cool, there are a tremendous amount of families with little children.  Before we had our first, it was the kind of thing that would sting my heart a little bit, so I didn't take one minute of it for granted.  We had some good friends also dedicating their children.

 Told you it was a big crowd.  And if the stage looks funny, it was on purpose.  We were doing a series called "Faith like Country" and we tried to replicate the grand ol. opry on stage.  It actually looked really good.  And just to toot God's horn a little bit, this is the same church that Dh and I got to help start just 4 years ago.  There are almost 800 people who come regularly.  Can you believe it?!  That kind of growth in 8 years is really cool.

That's just a sampling of what we've been up to.  I find it so hard to keep up with writing on this blog, but I'm faithfully reading all about you guys, and I love it.  I hope summer finds you all doing well. What are some of your favorite summer activities?