Really, everyting in my mind is revolving around this little one coming. We went to BRU today to pick up a few last things from our registry that we didn't get (but we had gift cards and coupons).
So now I think we're set.
But the problem is, I have no idea what we will really need. In the real world of being parents, I don't know how many onesies I'll need, how many wash clothes, how many get the idea.
I just feel like I'm on the cusp of so many changes that I can hardly stand it.
What I know for sure:
God is good. Even when times are rough. Things can change in an instant.
My Dh is really the best guy I know.
I have no control over anything.
Lord Willing: I have one more week of work and then the baby can come (and if she comes earlier, I'm down! - today is 38 weeks!)
There are a lot of things I don't know and I'm getting ready for a crash course.
I'm off to continue my thank you notes from our showers and to read about nipple confusion. Enjoy your Sunday evening!
One thing I've learned from keeping my 4 month old niece one day a week: you can NEVER have too many bibs! She's a spitter! When your little one gets here you should definitely have a post about what you do actually use and what you don't!
I was a planner, planner, planner too and it drove me crazy not knowing exactly what I'd need. Plus we didn't know if we were having a boy or a girl. Someone gave me the best advice when they said, "What do you really need to bring them home from the hospital?" Diapers, a onesie, a blanket. Really, they can sleep in a pulled out dresser drawer (not that we want to do that). Now we didn't only have one of everything but it did put things in perspective. Parenting is a lot about going with the flow because the things you thought you will do change in a heartbeat. That was all to say don't stress out about it.
We leave tomorrow for a week. SO, if she comes, CONGRATS! If not, hang on tight! Cant wait to hear all about it.
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