Monday, December 28, 2009

2009 in Retrospect

New Years Eve will be our fourth wedding anniversary. It's been a great four years. Full of lots of ups and downs - marriage is certainly harder than I ever imagined and most definately more wonderful than I ever imagined. It makes you grow up quick. Or at least act more grown up (ha!).
So we end the year strong with our anniversary. But there's been more to this year than before. There's been an IUI, a failed IVF and a positive IVF. We're 18 weeks away from meeting this little girl (Lord Willing of course!). I prayed to get 'knocked up in '09', and that prayer was answered. I know for some of you though, it hasn't turned out the way you want. And I have zero answers for that. I know that this is three years longer than we wanted to have kids, but I really believe that this has made us who we are and has changed us for the better. We've relied on God more than before, we've been careful not to make too many of our own plans, knowing that it's futile, and we just have to accept what comes before us.
So, as 2009 draws to a close, I am thankful, trying to be patient, and excited for what's ahead.
I hope those of you still waiting...will find yourselves In the Family Way in 2010!.


Paula Keller said...

It has been quite a year!

May your 2010 be filled with lots of happy memories!

Flower said...

Congrats. We will be celebrating ours too on the 31st. It will be 5 years :)