Dad up: 5 Am - workout
Mom up: 6:30 am - drink coffee
Macie up: between 7 and 8. I'm hoping more for the 8, sleeping in would be fabulous!
Penelope up: between 6:30 and 8. Usually she wakes up around 6, but if I let her talk for just a few minutes, she'll fall back asleep. A number of times I've gone in there at 8 and I've had to actually wake her back up.
Dad goes to work around 7. Momma tries to get a few chores done before the girls get up. Sometimes more successfully then others.
Macie breakfast, Penelope breakfast. 8 am is the only feeding that I don't have to supplement, I have enough milk. That is nice. The other feedings I have to supplement with around 3-4 ounces of formula.
After breakfast for everyone I have decisions to make. Do we venture out? Do we do chores? Do we excersize? This changes day by day, and I've found that I've actually saved quite a bit of money this summer, because I don't leave the house the way I used to. And I'm grateful I don't have too much cabin fever. Now, trips to Tar.get are more of a big deal, so we make that our actual outing. So my Dave Ramsey envelopes are more full than they used to be! Ha.
Then it's feed Penny at 11, snack for Macie around 10 or 10:30 (or not if all if she is busy playing and doesn't ask for one). Once Penny is done eating I start thinking of lunch for Macie and I. Usually PB&J or something like that. Then it's play and read for Macie, Penelope plays on her 'mat' quite a bit. And she enjoys the swing...these are all places you'll find her. Macie goes down for a nap around 1 (depending on how much energy she's burned off in the morning, but always a nap) and gets up between 3 and 4. No, she doesn't actually sleep the whole time, but she plays quietly in her bed, so I sometimes feel like the Because after Penelope eats at 2, I can sometimes get her to take a nap, and I get 30 glorious minutes to myself in the afternoon. And how do I spend it? Trying to decide what to do of course. Yesterday I did 20 minutes of the dan.cing with the stars DVD workout I bought years ago. It was good, but my feet are sore today.
Then Macie's up, Penny eats at 5, time to make dinner. Somewhere in there Dad gets home, we eat dinner, play a little and then bathtime, read time and Macie's in bed at 8 and Penny is eating 2nd dinner at 8. The only bummer is that I am still mourning the time I used to have once Macie was asleep. Put her to bed at 8, boom, rest of the night is ours. But Penelope is a fantastic child, so I hate to complain, but that girl can take up to an HOUR to eat her milk. And I hate to skimp on it, because she doesn't eat in the middle of the night, so I don't want her to be starving when she wakes up. So she doesn't always go to bed until about 9:30.
Here are some pictures for this incredibly boring post:
Reading at Bedtime
So I just took pictures of her throwing the hat. Probably not the smartest mom moment, but make lemons, right?