Thursday, May 28, 2009

Longest 2ww on the face of the planet...

Tied Up in Knots. Or at least I'm trying not to be.

Here is what has been done. Today, 4PM, I gave my blood to the RE. The lab was already closed (I knew that when I made the appointment) so tomorrow come the results.
I have NOT POAS. At first it was hard. But you guys, it's getting easier. Here's why:

I don't want to know.

Can any of you relate? I don't want to know! This cycle went so well. We had 8 embryo's to choose from, they looked great, I had excellent bedrest (although boring), back to work, I've taken things easy and had pleanty of symptoms to read into and lack of symptoms to scrutinize.

So really, I actually think I've become comfortable in the 2ww because I'm so afraid of bad news. I actually felt really bad for the first 20 minutes after I gave blood because it's the same feeling I get when I POAS. Except instead of waiting 3 minutes I'm waiting almost 24 hours.

I think what we'll do is leave my cell phone at home and then not check the message until I get home from work. I don't want to get a message and end up finding out either way between 3rd and 4th period and then have to work with 37 seniors who are expecting a Civics lesson and end up with life lessons and tears from Mrs. M! So... that's the current plan. Oh, and the Main nurse at the office today asked me if my boobs were sore and that that is the best indicator for pregnancy as the estrogen is really what causes the soreness, not the progesterone. Mine have been sore off and on. Just another thing to tie me up in knots over in the next few hours, right?

However, even if I leave my phone at home, I was told I can call anytime after noon and they'll have my results.

So this is why I'm in knots. Husband was great and on the way home we actually had dinner and then saw G.hosts of Girlfriends past. I liked it, DH not so much. ButI'monhormonessocutmesomeslackbecauseevenMatthewMcconoheycanmakemecrywhenI'mlikethis!

So... I'll report back soon. Probably with some results for you. BTW, this is 17DPO. Um, longest wait is really no exaggeration.

Lord Willing - here's to George and/or Martha and to being 'knocked up in '09'!


Gabby said...

so excited to find our the results!! all my fingers and toes are crossed for you! hoping for a positive! imagine george and martha settling in for the next nine months!

Beautiful Mess said...

*here from LFCA* Crossing all things crossable for you!

Ashley said...

Can't wait to hear the results!! I know what you mean about not wanting to know..that's why I made my husband call (my clinic will not leave a message). GOOD LUCK!!! ((HUGS))

Flower said...

I am praying that you get great news and have a BFP. Can't wait for your update.

Jill said...

I'm so excited for you to find out!! Praying for a positive.


Ben & Anne said...

I wouldn't necessarily listen to the sore boobs thing, mine were a bit tender when 1st preg but they have been worse before when I was in a luteal phase of a non-pregnant cycle. Everyone's different. My first clue was getting a really strong urge for a McDonalds burger and fries once - I am normally a healthy eater and hadn't touched that stuff in years! Good idea to wait until you have nothing else to concentrate on, you will be an emotional wreck either way! I really hope this works out for you. Good luck!

Leslie Laine said...

I totally get what you're saying. There's something kind of peaceful about the 2ww. I'm thinking of you - praying for good news!

Michelle said...

Im predicting, your pregnant. I cant wait for your results.

IVF Again! said...

Wow! I'm so impressed with your waiting! I still can't wait to hear the news. I still have a feeling!

Miss Mac said...

The end of the school year is long enough... you have true patience!!! Hoping for a BFP!!!

Hope2morrow said...

And the results?

Jill said...

Thinking of you guys!!

Hoping for our own Peanut said...

i went through that a bit too-not wanting to know. mine didnt last nearly as long as yours, though. ;)

looking forward to GREAT results!